Ainsley decided to try her 1st grade year doing homeschool. It's actually been a better transition than I could imagine having both kids home. We are able to have lots of flexibility in going places and hands on learning. The kids have developed a great bond. Ainsley has really grown this year in her schooling - she is doing a great job with her reading. I love to listen to her. :) She is also doing well at co-op - taking math, art, animal studies, and nature studies - and enjoying her time with other kids.
Gymnastics is the other word the sums up Ainsley's year. She started gymnastics in late August, and hasn't stopped!! She is doing so well, quickly progressing and most importantly, smiling through most practices. :) Our basement has been transformed into a gym. There isn't a day that goes by that she isn't flipping, cartwheeling, or doing a back walk over. Ainsley has definitely found her "thing" and I can't wait to see where it takes her!
Ainlsey continues to be independent. She has a dry wit, and it's interesting to her what she'll say next. She continues to make the best, craziest faces in reaction to whatever is going on.
Ainsley loves her cousins so much. She has really enjoyed Abigail as she grows - I think she enjoys taking on the "big sister" role.
Ainsley's 7th birthday party was a gymnastics party. We had her friends over to do gymnastics in the basement, followed by a family party. Unfortunately, Ainsley wasn't feeling so well and fell asleep during her party. We appreciated all the family and friends coming over. We celebrated on her actual birthday at Cheesecake Factory - her new favorite.
Ainsley and Evan continue to be friends - mostly playing great together. I love the bond that the two of them are forming!
When Ainsley's not doing gymnastics, she likes to bake, hang out with her friends, be an honorary cub scout, and go to Kings Island (48" this year!!).
Ainsley is the perfect mix of sweetness and wit. She is a joy to watch grow up. I can definitely see her growing up - I'd love to slow it down, but I know I can't. Right now, we are trying to enjoy every moment we can!