On Monday, Evan, Ainsley, and I visited my Grandparent's house. They have a pool in their neighborhood, so Evan and I got to go swimming. Grandpa Bill and Nani came along to watch. (Ainsley got to stay in the air conditioning and was well taken care of by Grandma Evelyn and Aunt Cathy.) Last year, Evan wasn't so sure about big pools because he needed to be held the whole time. We tried out swimmies this year, not thinking that he would be able to swim by himself. Well, he started off very scared, but slowly realized that he could do it. After about a half hour of practice, he was telling me that he didn't need my help anymore! He was swimming from one end of the pool to the other with no problem at all. He was so proud of himself and smiling and giggling the whole time. He just seems so grown up - swimming without me.
Here's the only picture we took that day, right off the camera phone:
Here's the only picture we took that day, right off the camera phone:

What a wonderful day with my little guy!!